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Healthcare workers

Hospitals in Denmark are constantly seeking professionals such as Medical Specialists, Nurses, Dentists, Dental Assistants, Health Care Workers, and other specialized roles


Ekspatify offers the following services:

  • Personalized assessment of your case to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements.

  • Step-by-step guidance in the completion of application forms, visa, authorization, etc.

  • Enrollment in a language school.

  • Find suitable accommodation considering the housing market and your budget.

  • Make a professional Danish CV and apply for a job.

Nurse (step-by-step guideline)

If you are a nurse willing to move to Denmark, consider these general steps.
Note that the resident permit and work permit stages are different for non-EU/EU citizens.

Step 1:

Application and Assesment of Qualifications by Danish Patient Safety Authority [link]

Required documents:

  • Proof of identity (passport).

  • Nursing degree and transcripts.

  • Work experience certificates, if applicable.

  • Evidence of nursing license from your home country.

  • Pay the application fee (1295 DKK)

Step 2:

Waiting (up to several months)/Learning Danish (online)


Step 3:

Apply for Visa (resident permit and work permit) [link]

Required documents:

  • Documentation of paid fee (2490 DKK)

  • Copy of all pages of your passport – including all empty pages and the passport’s front and back cover.

  • Documentation proving that the Danish Patient Safety Authority has assessed your primary qualifications

  • Documentation proving that you can financially support yourself (and any accompanying family members) during your stay in Denmark.


Step 4:

Enter Denmark and attend Danish language courses (free)

  • Pass Danish Language Test Level 3 (Prøve i Dansk 3).

  • Participate in an adaptation/training program

Step 5:

Once fully authorized and with all permits in place, you can start working in Denmark.


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Work Permit (Non-EU citizen)

If you are a non-EU, who wants to work in the Danish Healthcare system (public or private sector) you will need to apply for a work permit called ‘employment for adaptation and training purposes’

The Danish Patient Safety Authority must have assessed your primary qualifications to be eligible for testing in order to obtain Danish authorization as a doctor, dentist, or nurse. You must submit a copy of the assessment along with your application for a residence permit.

You can also apply for other works. There are no requirements for the type of job, and it does not have to be full-time employment.

The permit makes it possible for you to receive income during the authorization process.

Danish Language

As long as you have a good command of the English or German language, you will be off to a good start.
If you want to work in the public healthcare system, you will be required to learn Danish upon arrival and a language course will often be a part of the contract. Sometimes it even includes a language course for your spouse. Furthermore, the municipality will offer your children special support when they start in daycare/school. In many municipalities in Denmark, they have and want to work in the Danish healthcare system (public or private sector), you need to obtain a Danish authorization as a doctor, dentist, nurse, or any other

If you find a job offer in the private Life Science industry, English will most likely be the spoken language, which means that learning Danish is not required for work purposes

Woman & Doctor
Magic Tricks


You must provide documentation that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and any accompanying family members during your stay in Denmark. You must submit the documentation along with your application.

You must document that you have (2025 level):

  • DKK 40.734 if you do not have any family accompanying you to Denmark

  • DKK 81.468 if you bring your spouse with you to Denmark

  • DKK 97.734 if you bring your spouse and one or several children with you to Denmark 

  • DKK 81.462 if you bring one or several children with you to Denmark (but no spouse)

Documentation of your ability to support yourself and any accompanying family members could for example be a bank statement. Such a bank statement must not be more than 30 days old.

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